Moving into a new flat in Maastricht

Changing from Erasmus to regular master student is time for change - my sublet contract expired with no possibility to extend it, so I had to move. I got lucky so I found exactly the same room from the same landlord just a new steps away from previous place of living.

Good bye to my old roomGood bye to my old room, source: my picture

I was not very fond of the fact that I have to move. Great thing is that I got accepted by the Maastricht University for master programme which could be also taken as time for change, but I think we had a good thing going with my flatmates and I also got quite familiar with the place and the room. Idea of moving was also a bit scary because I was worried about finding a new place – I remembered the previous searching process I done in June and July. In the matter of a new place I got lucky – the landlord of the flat owns more places and he offered me a place to stay since February – also a subrent as the girl living there was going to the world for an internship. Cool thing was that it's the same block of flats so I do not have to take all my stuff to the other side of the Maastricht.

New flat – same room

My new placeMy new place, source: my picture

As the block of flats is the same, also all the apartments in it are the same and I even got the same room as I had so far. New flat is also again 4+1, which means there are again 3 students and we share a living room, a kitchen,a toilet and a shower. The place itselfs seems to have newer equipment like carpet and furniture, we have a big freezer (finally) and everyone has his own cupboard in the kitchen. I am no longer living with two guys, but one guy and a girl – both Dutch again Smiley :) My room as said is the same, but with different furniture – I got a big wardrobe and shelves which is awesome as I got enough space for all my things. Now I even have a TV set, which reminds me of my room in Germany 5 years ago, but as I haven't learnt any Dutch so far I do not think I will use it as I do not use digital TV on my PC. The bed has the same dimensions – double bed again – but this time I have to buy my own pillows, blanket and sheets. At least I will use the VVV vouchers I got Smiley :D To sum it up, my new room and the apartment itself looks really nice, but one thing is the place itselft, the second are the people living there – I hope we will get along well as I did with my previous flatmates Smiley :)

Packing, moving, upacking

I have a lot of stuff. I had to go to Maastricht in August by car in order to be able to get all the things with me. Now I have a feeling, that the amount of my properties increased even though I didn't by almost anything. We will see in a couple of months when I will be moving back home Smiley :D But this time I had to pack as well. Fortunately my friend Erwin offered me a hand for transporting the boxed from one place to the other one. We went like 6 times and I still had some stuff left in the old room. I wanted to move all the stuff during the weekend when I had enough time, but I didn't buy the sleeping equipment yet, so I spent the last night in an almost empty room Smiley :)

Unpacking is sometimes even worse. I was tired and didn't know where to put all the things as the furniture is different and I had to think a lot about how will I organize my shelves and drawers. Well, it took me some time but I hope I will spent the next 30. 1. 2012 at my new place. In order to achieve that, I need to go shopping tomorrow.

Update: I got lucky and bought at HEMA at reasonable price blanket and pillows. I was a bit surprise, how small the package is – reason for that is vacuum packaging Smiley :D Really funny when you first open it, how it gains a volume.

Photogallery – New place - moving

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Article last edited 8. 3. 2012, viewed: 2444-times.
Total 672 words.
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labels Labels:Bureucracy, Erasmus, Flat hunting, MSc, University
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