Chi­nese din­ner and dumplings

Si­jing is our fel­low In­fo­nom­ics stu­dent and we al­ways wanted to try some typ­i­cal Chi­nese food, but home pre­pared not noo­dles with chicken from some fast food. The year is over and Si­jing pre­pared din­ner for us. Let's eat!

Sijing, the chef cookSi­jing, the chef cook, source: my pic­ture

After some dis­cus­sions about pos­si­ble date, we set up the final date for Fri­day. But then on Wednes­day I was at a choco­late ex­per­i­ment and I got some missed calls from Erwin. I called him back and he so like that the weather fore­cast is bad for Fri­day and that we will have the Chi­nese din­ner that day. I went di­rectly to his place and we waited for Georgi. Georgi does not ride a bike so he took bus, but me, Alex and Erwin rode to Si­jing's place. I wasn't there be­fore but it was on the other side of Maas­tricht. I was cu­ri­ous where she lives and what she will pre­pare for us. Well, it was a great day any­way, I was in a great mood, be­cause I found the su­per­vi­sor for my mas­ter the­sis and also earned some money dur­ing two ex­per­i­ments and Chi­nese din­ner made my day just awe­some. Some days are just re­ally great, aren't they?

Chi­nese dumplings

After we ar­rived, we went shop­ping for drinks and most of the in­gre­di­ents. Si­jing had al­ready bought some spe­cial ones and some things were al­ready pre­pared but as the de­ci­sion was made quite fast, stuff like meat or veg­eta­bles is bet­ter to have fresh. The shop was just like 5 min­utes walk­ing. Then the whole cok­ing process started. Every­body wanted to help, but the kitchen was small and we were often kicked out by Si­jing or her house mates Smiley :D Well, it's nice when some­body is cok­ing for you, but we also wanted to learn some­thing new.

One thing we were al­lowed to pre­pare, were the dumplings. The fill­ing (meat and veg­eta­bles) were pre­pared by Si­jing, but some­body has to make the dumplings. It takes time, but we were eager to help and it was fun. We sat in the gar­den so there was enough space for every­body to par­tic­i­pate in the dumpling cre­ation process. It might seem as an easy job, but it def­i­nitely was not for all of us. Nei­ther of us pre­pared Chi­nese dumplings be­fore so the start­ing point was sim­i­lar to all of us, but some­body's (I do not want to point out the names) dumplings were sen­tenced to de­com­po­si­tion dur­ing the later boil­ing process Smiley :D

Georgi, Me, Erwin, Alex and dumpling tutor
Georgi, Me, Erwin, Alex and dumpling tutor, source: my pic­ture

We started the din­ner with a soup cooked from ribs with a lot of veg­eta­bles, next dish was rice and fish with spicy sauce and veg­eta­bales from WOK and then the dumplings. Uh, I mean it was re­ally de­li­cious, the sauce a bit hot for my­self; we stuffed our­selves and we also had dumpling left­overs for home. How is it pos­si­ble that Chi­nese peo­ple are so thin when they are so much? We were told that usu­ally they pre­pare more :/

The evening was great but we were not com­plete, Ju­lian was miss­ing. He, Erwin, Si­jing and Georgi are done with all the courses and are work­ing on their mas­ter the­ses. We were still wait­ing for the grades from our last course to be pub­lished, but every­body was sure that he passed. This was kind of al­most last gath­er­ing be­fore the hol­i­days. We also planned BBQ for all In­fo­nom­ics stu­dents, but Georgi would be home by then. We all re­al­ized, that the year is gone and our ways will soon sep­a­rate so meet­ings like this are the best way how to say good­bye.

Ar­ti­cle last edited 1. 7. 2012, viewed: 1868-times.
Total 565 words.
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