Bachelor's Open Day

Another Open Day at Maastricht University and I also had chance to be part of the promo team. The biggest difference was definitely the amount of people who arrived today and after it, we had a free drink party.

SBESBE, source: my picture

Open day at SBE for prospective bachelor students was similar to the Master's Open Day that took place about a month ago. The main difference was about the amount of people, who came to see the university. About 1000 students were expected, but most of them also brought their parents. On a master open day, there was only one welcoming lecture in a big hall and not all the people were there, still the room was about half empty. Now? There were like 3 lectures and always the lecture hall was completely full. Information stands were moved from AdForum to the Mensa, and in AdForum were only refreshments and cakes provided. If I have a good information, no pies left which means about 1400 pieces!

To run out of the statistic a bit, I really understand, why Bachelor programmes at Maastricht University as so interesting. According to some evaluations based on students, Maastricht University is first in the Netherlands and Elsevier ranking 2011: First place in the Netherlands for BSc International Business and BSc Econometrics and Operations research. That's something. UM also fully adopted PBL learning system and has practised it for several years.

Free drink after Open Day

We had a really busy day, actually everybody from the Maastricht University had, as there were about 4000 visitors at the whole University. For everyone, who help with organization, there was a free drinks party near Student Service Centre, also close to SBE. Really nice, as we could now chat with other people I got to know a bit at the Open Day and had a free drink. We got there at about 5 o'clock in the afternoon and after 2 hours we had to leave. I went with others to a pub nearby, for a small dinner and drink. Really nice closure of the day. I was tired but made some new friends and I really liked the job, so I hope I will be there also next time.

Article last edited 19. 11. 2011, viewed: 2252-times.
Total 324 words.
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labels Labels:Infonomics, PBL, Study, University
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