Monday, April 30 is designated to national holiday called Queensday. The whole country goes nuts, everybody dress in orange, drink and enjoy themselves. I used the long weekend to visit my friend in Amsterdam and spend the Queensday there.
I was in Amsterdam in July 2008, but to be honest, I do not remember much. I made a lot of pictures, because I had my camera for a short time and was really excited. I don't remember any more, where we stayed, just that the weather was not so good and I liked the bridges and canals in the city. That was 4 years ago, now I have been in the Netherlands since September 2011 (I went back to the Czech Republic three times) and I haven't been in Amsterdam. I postponed my visit until Katka (my fellow student from Charles University) went there for Erasmus exchange so I have a place to stay, a guide but mostly someone to walk thought the city and spend the time with. I planned my visit for long weekend including the Queensday. In 2012 it's celebrated on Monday, April 30. So let's go to Amsterdam!
[read more ..., total 2268 words.]Sijing is our fellow Infonomics student and we always wanted to try some typical Chinese food, but home prepared not noodles with chicken from some fast food. The year is over and Sijing prepared dinner for us. Let's eat!
After some discussions about possible date, we set up the final date for Friday. But then on Wednesday I was at a chocolate experiment and I got some missed calls from Erwin. I called him back and he so like that the weather forecast is bad for Friday and that we will have the Chinese dinner that day. I went directly to his place and we waited for Georgi. Georgi does not ride a bike so he took bus, but me, Alex and Erwin rode to Sijing's place. I wasn't there before but it was on the other side of Maastricht. I was curious where she lives and what she will prepare for us. Well, it was a great day anyway, I was in a great mood, because I found the supervisor for my master thesis and also earned some money during two experiments and Chinese dinner made my day just awesome. Some days are just really great, aren't they?
[read more ..., total 565 words.]I got a bit of free time after my exams and it is good to go home from time to time. Unfortunately I had only one weekend for this short visit, but even in a short time a lot could be done - especially when it's Ester.
This time I do not want to write separate articles about trip there and back, as I already described flying to Brno and travelling with the Eurolines, so I will only focus on what was new. I should start with how I planned the trip. Flying is the cheapest and faster way how to get to Maastricht and back, but I was going back with the bus. Why? Well, the same reason why I stayed only one weekend in the Czech Republic. Change of plans – I needed to be at the university on Tuesday, April 10 at 9 o'clock as I had some duties scheduled. Before I knew this, I had a plane ticket booked from Brno to Eindhoven on Friday March 13. This would mean one whole week for meeting friends and arranging some administrative stuff. As university changed my time schedule, I needed to adapt and therefore the bus back. I wanted to seize Monday at least, as it was Ester, so I rejected taking plane in the morning and in the afternoon, as getting to the airport also take some time. Bus goes at 17 and at 23 o’clock. The second one would allow me to enjoy the Monday, but it arrives to Eindhoven at 12 o'clock which would be too late. Actually, looking at the whole picture, there are a lot of possibilities, how to get from the Netherlands to the Czech Republic. Nice Now you know what I had to go through while planning my stay home.
Carnival - special event when people dress up into funny and colourful costumes, drink and have fun. Exactly this happens in Maastricht every year and as I am here, I could not miss it. I experienced something incredibly cool and atmosphere in the whole city was just fabulous.
I was never a big fan of Carnival as I never had a reason to be. Maastricht is famous for holding up to the tradition so the only thing you can do to avoid Carnival is to get out of the city. Not my case. I was curious what it's gonna be. As I reported in November in article The beginning of the Carneval season, the Carnival in Maastricht changes the city. Really. And it was just a small introduction in November compared to current event. Preparations took several days – shops with big show windows put wooden boards for protection, different stuff coloured green-yellow-red decorated in the whole city. But what you could not see were the preparations made by the people – they created costumes, masks and carnival vehicles. I invited a friend who is now for exchange in Brussels to see it and she came with 5 other friends which was awesome. Happiness is real when shared So let's have fun!
Christmas break is over and it's time to get back to Maastricht to continue with studying at SBE. Today I will talk about the time I spent in the Czech republic and than about my superb weekend in Maastricht before period 3 started.
I was home for three weeks and now it's time to return to Maastricht University. I really appreciate the fact, that all exams are written before the Christmas break. I could enjoy my holiday and relax. On the other hand, waiting for the results has an opposite effect – getting more and more nervous whether I passed and how. As I didn't fail any exam in the first period, I had now 3 weeks of free time. As I only visited my country – Czech Republic – for a few days at the end of October, I was looking forward to seeing my friends and family again. Christmas is an ideal time for stuff like that and after spending the New Year's Eve with my university buddies, time was going faster than I realized. I enjoyed great Czech beer, which is one of the things that I really miss in Maastricht. I spent during last two weeks quite a lot of time in pubs despite the fact that I am definitely not a big drinker.
[read more ..., total 1412 words.]Another official event at School of Business and Economics at Maastricht University I had opportunity to attend. This time as a guest not as a part of the promotion team. A friend of mine come to get her diploma and I offered to make some pictures.
The Graduation ceremonial at School of Business and Economics at Maastricht University takes place in the Aula. Somebody calls it "church" so it gives you the image, how the place looks like. I connect the University with academic environment and I also connect it usually to old building and history. I do not now why, I just do, even here even though I am aware of the fact that Maastricht University was established about 30 years ago. But at least SBE is located in city centre of Maastricht, so the history is still there.
The dress code for the event was obviously the suit and the graduates also got a blue scarf with the Maastricht University on it. Quite nice actually, as It made the graduates distinctive from their families and friends. At the entrance I saw a guy I know from Open Days (Bachelor's and Master's). He was again working for the UM and told me, that there are 4 sessions today we are the 3rd. Wow, that's a lot of people who finish at SBE. But if I take the size of the school, that's actually not surprising.
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