Cantus and the final party – last day of INKOM

Friday was last day of INKOM, therefore a bit restful - the target was to relax a bit and strengthen social contacts. And what it Cantus? It is party, a lot of bier, songs and a lot of fun!

CantusCantus, source: my picture

The last day of INKOM started later than the others – we met at 12 at Stay Okay Hostel, where we got a sandwich and could enjoy some of it's facilities. Well, too much people and too little facilities (two pool tables?). So we talked and went to watch some movie. Then we moved to the MECC for Cantus. It's a Dutch tradition, people drink beer and sing songs. It's kind of a party, but you have to be prepared, than when you leave, you will be wet and stinky from beer as people also throw cups with it to the crowd. It was fun, as most of the songs were in Dutch Smiley :D MECC is really huge place, I cannot estimate how many people can fit in there, but definitely everybody from the INKOM. That's the reason why also the final party was there.

After it, we walked to the SV Koko club for dinner, but I went home to have some rest. I fall asleep, so I also missed Open Air movie. But I came back to MECC for the final party – Heineken Night. it was huge party, not easy to find someone, but I did find part of my group. I was really looking forward to it, as parties we had before were great. Maybe I expected too much, but this was just not so fun. Still the same unknown music and not that good for dancing, too loud to be able to speak to someone and really overcrowded. After a few hours I decided with some other buddies to leave as we were just bored there.

As the rest of the INKOM was really fun and great, Friday was weird and final party had really disappointed me. What the hell, it's just some party, more important is, that I got to know great people and had really fun week. I have next one only for me with an introduction day in the middle and than the schools starts. I cannot imagine better start of my stay here in Maastricht!

Photogallery – INKOM 2011 - day 4 - Cantus

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Article last edited 27. 8. 2011, viewed: 1423-times.
Total 343 words.
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labels Labels:Beer, festival, INKOM, music, Pretty Girls, University
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