InfoFestival and BBQ – day 3 of INKOM 2011

Headline of Wednesday was InfoFestival - fare where you can get information about cultural events, sport activities, possible career, music, festival and a lot more what can you do in Maastricht.

BBQ in MaastrichtBBQ in Maastricht, source: my picture

To have a small rest, this day was more about getting information than about physical activities. We started with breakfast on the Market – bacon with eggs, juice and banana. I would say it was more like brunch, because it was already 11 a.m. when they started serving it. About an hour later InfoFestival started. This time not only parts of the University presented themselves, but also a lot companies and organizations in Maastricht. I really liked this event, because there was a lot to do and in addition to that we got some free stuff – I was most happy about movie posters I selected for my room. What caught my attention was the fact, that a popular free goods given were condoms. Obviously this kind of internationality is connected with sex. Prevention and information kiosk with this topic as well as presentation by the police – walk with special glasses so you can see what you would see if you were drunk – were there. Nice move.

From 2:30 p.m., there was an event called MosaeMaster. Basically workshops of companies provided for master students with closing drink after that. I liked this one too, there were not that many participants and the event has therefore kind of peaceful atmosphere. We could choose 2 presentations of 4 as there were only two time-slots. After that we could talk to the representatives and have a glass of wine and something small to drink. As a bonus we got some goodie bags and stuff. After about 3 hours spent at MosaeMaster, we went to the evening barbecue.

BBQ took place at "Onze Lieve Vrouwewal" which is place near the "de Hoge Brug" and Stadspark. We got meat, bread, dishes and place with grill, the rest was up to us. Every group had it's own barbecue. I was a bit worried about the food after my experience from Monday, but this system worked really well. After the dinner, we moved to the park where evening programme was prepared. There were several places with different artists performance – from drama, to stand- up show and also improvized performance like the "Comedy night" on Tuesday. When it got dark there was even a fire show and at the end a small concert. But we decided to go to Koko party in the city centre – InKoMotion.

The InKoMotion party was great. Really nice place, several places with music – live concert on one floor and DJ vith disco music on another floor. I also met a friend from the previous KoKo party Smiley :) The INKOM was getting better and better! On the other hand so demanding programme with the fact that I had to walk all the time (it is about 2,5km to the city centre from my place) made me feel really exhausted when I arrived home. I was exhausted but in a pleasant way. Smiley :)

Photogallery – INKOM 2011 - day 3 - InfoFestival and BBQ

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Article last edited 26. 8. 2011, viewed: 1224-times.
Total 476 words.
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