Články o tématu „Salsa”

Pe­riod 5 at Maas­tricht Uni­ver­sity – sum­mary

Pe­riod 5 is the last pe­riod for mas­ter stu­dents who started in Sep­tem­ber. Last courses, tu­to­ri­als, exams, fin­ish­ing mas­ter the­sis. I also had my last courses but I also man­aged to work at the Uni­ver­sity and to enjoy trav­el­ling a bit.

Spring in MaastrichtSpring in Maas­tricht, source: my pic­ture

Tra­di­tion con­tin­ues and I look back again at pe­riod 5 of my In­fo­nom­ics study pro­gramme that just ended. It was ac­tu­ally last pe­riod when I had reg­u­lar courses, I am only left with the Mas­ter the­sis and skill course con­nected to that. Pretty good feel­ing I must say. Only the Mas­ter the­sis stands be­tween me and mas­ters de­gree. Well, but for now I will focus on the two courses and just passed and my life in the pre­vi­ous pe­riod. Both of my courses were com­pul­sory for In­fo­nom­ics mas­ter pro­gramme – In­ter­net Eco­nom­ics and In­tel­lec­tual cap­i­tal and knowl­edge sys­tems. Ac­tu­ally this pe­riod was pretty busy. Next to my own courses I was also tu­tor­ing at FASOS and work­ing on an in­tern­ship web­site for the Maas­tricht Uni­ver­sity. I man­aged to go for a week­end and Queens­day to Am­s­ter­dam and also for 4 days to Paris. I hosted my brother and 3 friends in the first week of May Smiley :D Maybe my time man­age­ment is get­ting bet­ter Smiley :) Let's start with my uni­ver­sity du­ties.

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Pe­riod 4 at Maas­tricht Uni­ver­sity – sum­mary

In Feb­ru­ary I started my sec­ond se­mes­ter at Maas­tricht Uni­ver­sity. The dif­fer­ence to the pre­vi­ous time spent there was, that I was no longer an Eras­mus ex­change stu­dent, but I got ac­cepted as reg­u­lar mas­ter stu­dent into studypro­gramme called In­fo­nom­ics.

Garden next to the SBEGar­den next to the SBE, source: my pic­ture

The fact, that I changed my stu­dent sta­tus didn't change much in the re­al­ity. As I de­scribed be­fore no­body at SBE makes dif­fer­ence be­tween ex­change and reg­u­lar mas­ter stu­dents. You have the same work­load and du­ties. There­fore it was just an­other pe­riod, new courses and new peo­ple. I de­cided to go for In­fo­nom­ics mas­ter pro­gramme. Even thought there were only 4 stu­dents who started this pro­gramme in Sep­tem­ber, I didn't have any course with them this time. But I met my new fel­low In­fo­nom­ics mas­ters – we were 4 again. We had ICT, In­no­va­tion and Eco­nomic per­for­mance course to­gether as this one is a com­pul­sory for our pro­gramme. For the elec­tive course I was the only In­fo­nom­ics stu­dent who de­cided to enrol in In­for­ma­tion Eco­nom­ics the rest 7 stu­dents went for IT pro­ject man­age­ment. I am glad that I de­cided that way, fi­nally I got was I was miss­ing – a bit of math again. Well, I was re­ally ex­cited about the new pe­riod. Even if the stu­dent sta­tus change is ba­si­cally only some pa­per­work it meant a lot to me. Es­pe­cially be­cause about a year ago, it didn't come to my mind that I would ever be­come a reg­u­lar mas­ter stu­dent abroad. Isn't it awe­some?

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Salsa danc­ing lessons on Tues­days

I got a link from a friend of­fer­ing free salsa in­tro­duc­tion les­son. I de­cided to check that out as danc­ing lessons would be nice to at­tend. After the first lec­ture I can say that from now on, my Tues­day night is the salsa night.

Salsa Brisa logoSalsa Brisa logo, Source: www.​salsabrisa.​com

Let's dance Salsa! I never danced salsa be­fore but why not give a try? Niki posted link on her pro­file and I checked the web­site of www.​salsabrisa.​com. They have also an Eng­lish ver­sion which is pleas­ant. Not that I have any prob­lem with un­der­stand­ing basic writ­ten Dutch but still, I ap­pre­ci­ate that. The web­site stated that the first "Open les­son" started at 8 p.m. I was not sure what I should ex­pect, but they wrote that no part­ner is needed. I hoped there would be more girls than dur­ing my last danc­ing course of Zouk, but later about that. The lo­ca­tion of the lessons is near the Hoge Brug on the left side of the river in club D'n Hiemel, which is about 10min­utes bik­ing from my place. I also found an­other Salsa lessons in Maas­tricht, but the place was a bit far away, so I wished that I would be sat­is­fied with this one.

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