Back from Prague to Maastricht

My 5 days long visit of my home country is at the end. Time to get back to Maastricht to pass my exams and continue with studying. This time I fly and then go by train. Sounds pretty easy, doesn't it?

Let's flyLet's fly, source: my picture

The main reason for my short visit of the Czech republic, was my bachelor graduation ceremonial that took place on Wednesday 26th of October 2011 in Prague. Not only I finally got my diploma (I passed the exams on the 14th June) but I also had a chance to meet a few of my friends in my home town Náchod over the weekend and than some of my friends from the Charles University on Wednesday evening and on Thursday morning. The only thing, that a bit ruined the relaxing atmosphere of my visit what the fact that my first exam was scheduled to be on Friday, October 28. But let's move to the description of my journey from Prague to Maastricht.

Prague Airport

I took a bus from the main train station to the Airport, because it's the fastest possibility. My flight was scheduled at 15:00 with Transavia, so I wanted to be at the Airport after 13 o'clock, so I have enough time for everything. When I arrived there, the check-in process already started. After about 15 minutes spent in a queue, I got my boarding pass with seat near the window Smiley :) and went to another queue waiting to be checked by roentgen and metal detector. I put all my electronic stuff into one box, but then I had to put my laptop to separate one. Then, first in my life (ok, I flew only 4 times in my life) I was checked in detail, I am not sure If I even beeped. I took my staff and waited about half an hour for the boarding process. The time was soon over and I took my seat. At exactly 15:00 the plane took off. I really love the moment when the plane loose the contact with the runway and starts to gain the altitude. I like Boeing 737-900 Smiley :)

The Rotterdam Airport

The flight took 2hours and 17 minutes, I slept most of the time. When we were leaving the Prague Airport, there were a lot of clouds, but as we were aprocaching Rotterdam, there were less of them and gone at the end, so I could observe fields, cars and building below me. The landing was quite hard and even there was no wind, we first hit left well, than got the plain straight, right well and then front one. No applause Smiley :D. 16:20 We took the stairs from the plane directly to the runaway, no tunnel as in Prague, a entered a small building. I had no luggage, so I went directly to the information to ask about the bus to the main train station. I failed to load money to my OV-Chipcard, so I had to pay 2,5€ for the ticket. After about 20minutes, we arrived to the train station. Wow, I got there an hour sooner than expected.

Train from Rotterdam to Maastricht

I bought ticket worth 22,5€ and I had to change the train in Eindhoven. Good thing is, that I get the train connection every 30 minutes. My train left at 17:17, so I should be in Maastricht at 20:34. I got on the train, but had to wait 2 stops before I got a seat, the train was just really full. I love travelling by train. So opened my notes and read something for my exam on Friday. In Eindhoven, I got only 2 minutes to get off and on another train. Fortunately I just ran over a platform.

BUT! I was nicely travelling, looking forward to Maastricht so about 10 minutes before scheduled arrival, I called my friend I we can discuss the next day exam. After that a lady sitting behind me said, that this train is NOT going to Maastricht, as this part is going to Heerlen – the train from Einhoven had separated in Sittard! WTF? Nobody warned me, I also have printed out the time plan from the website and no note about that. Well, also no controller came since I changed the train! Ah. I got angry. This really sucks. Well, fortunately I had to wait just about 10 minutes in Heerlen to get the train to Maastricht, but it was a stop train, so I got to Maastricht about 45 minutes later than expected. Well, at least I know it next time Smiley :)

I left Prague main train station at 12:30 and arrived to Maasticht at about 20:20. 8 hours including waiting and misdirection, that's not that bad. Smiley :)

Article last edited 29. 10. 2011, viewed: 1917-times.
Total 718 words.
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labels Labels:Eindhoven, Erasmus, Rotterdam, Sightseening, Train
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